Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Im Back....and A little bit crunchy!

Back to Blogging!

Well its been a LOOOOONG time again from blogging...with this large of a family, I wonder why?!? Let's see....I am now breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing mama to a beautiful 8 mo old.  She is the light of our days....and such a mama's girl! 

I guess you can say we have turned a bit "crunchy"?  Crunchy....the hubby thought I was making up the term.  The things that make me "crunchy".....

  • Having a garden
  • Breastfeeding (never touching a drop of formula)
  • Baby wearing as much as possible (no baby is a box as one of my friends call it)
  • CLOTH DIAPERING (I think thats a big crunchy thing)  
  • I have the tools to make my own baby food but yet have started but want to.
  • We want to live on a farm and raise chickens - hoping to purchase a farm in the future 
Are you crunchy?  What makes you crunchy?  Do you like the term crunchy?

Hope to stay up with you all....and gain more visitors!