Well "buddy" (what Nate calls the new baby) or Zoe (what everyone else calls it because we are really thinking its a girl this time around) is doing well. I am expanding at a high rate of speed it seems this time, but I have only gained about 7lbs so far. I caught a glimse of myself in the Old Navy mirror while changing and BOY do I look different this time. I am carrying really basketbally, nothing like the last two, but I dont remember how I carried the girls. I am also a bit lighter on my feet starting out this pg so that could be something w/ it too. Here is a belly shot....16 weeks 4 days....

Zach is such a little stink. He is learning to pull himself up and get into trouble. He loves bananas, cheerios, rice, green beans, peas, chicken, ham and carrots. Thanksgiving should be a blast for him. He loves to walk w/ your hands, and i really think he will be walking before he gets the hang of the normal crawling. Right now he inchworms his way around, but goesnt go very far and ends up rolling the rest of the way. At least we still have him contained to one room, since he doesnt go off to get in trouble yet. I cant wait til his 1st birthday! One, just because I cant wait to see him dive into the cake, but, I want to turn him around in the suburban!!! Its so hard with him facing backwards, and his seat is soooo big, its hard to get a hand around it when your in the truck. Kinda a selfish reason, but hey, with this belly its hard to twist like I used to be able to! Here is a photo or two of the lil munchkin...

Zach eatin chinese.....YUMMY
The rest of the group is doing well.
Abbie is on the middle school show choir, so they are now touring and doing their performances. We got to see them once so far, but it was at a crowded nursing home so we really didnt get to see the full thing. Hopefully she will be doing it again around here so we can tape it and show it to you all. She will be turning 13 on Tuesday....WOW.
Molly is doing well, she will be turning 9 Dec 9th. I think we are going to have a party at the amazing pizza machine. She is growing up so fast, she walked in the door yesterday and she looked like a mini Abbie....Abbie must of dressed her. Skinny jeans, boots, and a tank top w/ a over shirt. I was shocked when I saw her, never saw her in that "light" before. GEZZZZ
Nate is well, Nate. LOL He is doing better at school and I actually got him to study his spelling words and he only missed one! He hates spelling and reading, but has straight A's in science and math. I guess that's good classes to have A's in if any. He is starting to grow up a bit, but still has all boy in him and tends to get into trouble for little things.
We are having thanksgiving this year, and then its Christmas! Its coming up so fast! We have started our shopping so at least we have that taken care of. We still have alot to do, but, we are going to try to hold back a bit this year and not go overboard. The kids have so much, they dont need alot.
Well this has turned into a longer post then expected so I will let you all go back to your lives. I will try to stay better updated especially since we are already almost half over with this pregnancy!! WOW! We will be getting our ultrasound in mid Dec so make sure you check back to hear the news!!!
Michelle, When's your u/s date? Mine is scheduled for Dec. 19th. I'm SO glad it's before Christmas. Now I just have to manage to wait for the next 4 weeks LOL.
Such a cute belly bump!
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