Welcome! I am a breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, mom to 6 wonderful kids living in the midwest! Check back often for great family updates, we are always up to something!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Growing by Leaps and Bounds
Zach is growing so much lately! Just lately he has learned how to stand at the playpen, pulled himself up in bed twice from a sitting position, loves his little gerber snacks and cut up nanas, and has cut a tooth! He will stare at you while you eat which most of the time is something he cannot have because of his intolerance. He is now on Nutramigen because my milk supply is gone. It was a gradual ween and he hasnt nursed now in 5 days. It was a bit sad at first, but, I figured, it would have needed to be done at about a year anyway, so I might as well get it done now before he got a bit older and then have trouble getting him to ween. He didnt really mind the switch, and has been quite the little eater now. He is sleeping much better at night, going down for a good 6 hours before waking for a bottle right around the time I get home from work and then sleeping for another 4 hrs and wakes up at 6:30 on the button to catch Blues Clues first thing in the morning.

WOW what a different point of view!

WOW what a different point of view!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Best Buds!!
Ok so the mama's and the boys went off for their last Starbucks trip before they closed the doors. We have enjoyed our lil outtings since T was a month old and I w/o knowing it, would be having Zach that evening. Our playdates then was with carriers in tow, with little boys sleeping away, or staring at us while we drank tea and cider. And now, for one last time, we had a stroller and a crawler with us, and tried to enjoy our tea and cider between chasing the crawler, or replacing the binky when needed. The boys seemed to enjoy themselves, and so did the mama's, even if it was just for one last time. Enjoy the slideshow, its the only photos we have of them and their playdate.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Im falling apart.....
I am officially falling apart. Im not going to go into full detail of my night on Sat, but lets just say things werent just right where they are suppose to be down there, so out to the ER we went at 11:15 at night. Thanks to an extremely drunk man causing ruckus, we didnt get to the back until an hour later. Glad it wasnt much of an emergency. We finally got out of there 2 hours later, and come to find out, I have a prolapsed bladder, or so the ER doc said. He looked for the heartbeat but was unable to find it. He said not to worry, that alot of times they cant get a beat until after 12 wks with their doppler. They cannot do surgery for the prolapse while pregnant, so I am to do kegels, rest, and drink lots of water. I was to see dr. on Wed, but ER dr said to check in in a day or two. I called the office this am and they sd that was fine, they would see me on Wed. Not more than 5 mins later, they called back and said they want me to come in at 1:30 for a ultrasound. Now is that to check and make sure nothing else is falling? Because the ER didnt hear a heartbeat? If something is falling, am I going on bedrest? I cannot do bedrest. I have 4 kids, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas?? Im only 11 wks, I cannot be in bed for 28 weeks! Im sure everything is fine. We will see our little peanut, and everything else will be in place.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
10 weeks!
Here we are again....going thru the wonderful weeks of pregnancy! LiL Zoe (we are really banking on it being a girl LOL) is 10 weeks! Things are progressing nicely and we head back to the dr. on Oct 15th for our checkup. I havent gained any weight yet, which is surprising by the size of my belly!

Zach is doing well w/ the whole mama and the baby belly thing. He is still nursing like a champ even though it seems my supply is dwindling. We are supplementing with Nutramigen formula for his bedtime bottle and sometimes early am after he nurses. He is still getting some from me but not enough to tide him overnight. He is talking up a storm lately, its crazy to her his chatter.
We are still working on the rooms to get them moved around for everyone to be comfortable and not squished. We are in need of bedroom doors for our room on the main floor, so if anyone knows of where I can get some 76.5 inch tall doors for my bedroom let me know! They are hard to come by since this is such an older home. Zach and Zoe needs to be moved into the old master so I can start decorating and places the cribs in there.
I really need to be focusing on a boys name just in case. LOL Just for some reason we think its a girl and have been going with that since we started thinking it. Zoe Elizabeth is what we are going with right now and just sounds right when you list all the kids; Abbie, Molly, Nathan, Zach and Zoe. Now if you throw in another name instead of Zoe it just doesnt sound right. So, if anyone has any boys names they want to throw my way to add to the list, feel free. I need to get my head in a two gender mode just in case. We always have the few I wanted last time, but im sure since I didnt sway hubby last time it isnt going to happen this time around!

Zach is doing well w/ the whole mama and the baby belly thing. He is still nursing like a champ even though it seems my supply is dwindling. We are supplementing with Nutramigen formula for his bedtime bottle and sometimes early am after he nurses. He is still getting some from me but not enough to tide him overnight. He is talking up a storm lately, its crazy to her his chatter.
We are still working on the rooms to get them moved around for everyone to be comfortable and not squished. We are in need of bedroom doors for our room on the main floor, so if anyone knows of where I can get some 76.5 inch tall doors for my bedroom let me know! They are hard to come by since this is such an older home. Zach and Zoe needs to be moved into the old master so I can start decorating and places the cribs in there.
I really need to be focusing on a boys name just in case. LOL Just for some reason we think its a girl and have been going with that since we started thinking it. Zoe Elizabeth is what we are going with right now and just sounds right when you list all the kids; Abbie, Molly, Nathan, Zach and Zoe. Now if you throw in another name instead of Zoe it just doesnt sound right. So, if anyone has any boys names they want to throw my way to add to the list, feel free. I need to get my head in a two gender mode just in case. We always have the few I wanted last time, but im sure since I didnt sway hubby last time it isnt going to happen this time around!
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