Zach is growing so much lately! Just lately he has learned how to stand at the playpen, pulled himself up in bed twice from a sitting position, loves his little gerber snacks and cut up nanas, and has cut a tooth! He will stare at you while you eat which most of the time is something he cannot have because of his intolerance. He is now on Nutramigen because my milk supply is gone. It was a gradual ween and he hasnt nursed now in 5 days. It was a bit sad at first, but, I figured, it would have needed to be done at about a year anyway, so I might as well get it done now before he got a bit older and then have trouble getting him to ween. He didnt really mind the switch, and has been quite the little eater now. He is sleeping much better at night, going down for a good 6 hours before waking for a bottle right around the time I get home from work and then sleeping for another 4 hrs and wakes up at 6:30 on the button to catch Blues Clues first thing in the morning. 
WOW what a different point of view!
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