Zach is doing well w/ the whole mama and the baby belly thing. He is still nursing like a champ even though it seems my supply is dwindling. We are supplementing with Nutramigen formula for his bedtime bottle and sometimes early am after he nurses. He is still getting some from me but not enough to tide him overnight. He is talking up a storm lately, its crazy to her his chatter.
We are still working on the rooms to get them moved around for everyone to be comfortable and not squished. We are in need of bedroom doors for our room on the main floor, so if anyone knows of where I can get some 76.5 inch tall doors for my bedroom let me know! They are hard to come by since this is such an older home. Zach and Zoe needs to be moved into the old master so I can start decorating and places the cribs in there.
I really need to be focusing on a boys name just in case. LOL Just for some reason we think its a girl and have been going with that since we started thinking it. Zoe Elizabeth is what we are going with right now and just sounds right when you list all the kids; Abbie, Molly, Nathan, Zach and Zoe. Now if you throw in another name instead of Zoe it just doesnt sound right. So, if anyone has any boys names they want to throw my way to add to the list, feel free. I need to get my head in a two gender mode just in case. We always have the few I wanted last time, but im sure since I didnt sway hubby last time it isnt going to happen this time around!
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